It gets better from here. That’s the inspiring message from Aurora Recovery Centre, based on the facts that addiction is a treatable illness, and you are worthy and capable of reclaiming your life.
At our full-service recovery centre, your journey begins with a Personalized Addiction Recovery Plan. It identifies your goals, motivations and challenges while setting out achievable steps that will help you gradually acquire new patterns of behaviour that will lead to long-term recovery.
Your Personalized Addiction Recovery Plan is informed by numerous factors, including comprehensive assessments that consider your physical, mental and emotional health. That helps us identify the stage of your illness and what resources you have in your life. We view your resources as ‘recovery capital’— a concept in addiction treatment that refers to the total resources a person can draw upon to begin and maintain recovery from their substance use disorder(s).
Let’s start by considering the three types of recovery capital outlined in a resource paper on The National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals (NCCAP) website. We’ll then look at how Aurora Recovery Centre will help you identify, nurture and build your own recovery capital.
Personal recovery capital can be divided into physical and human capital and includes everything from physical health and financial assets to your values, knowledge, problem-solving capabilities, sense of meaning and purpose in life, hopefulness/optimism and perception of your past, present and future.
Family/social recovery capital encompasses intimate relationships, family and family of choice, and social relationships that support recovery efforts. It includes access to sober outlets for sobriety-based fellowship/leisure.
Community recovery capital includes recovery centres, recovery role models, addiction treatment resources, treatment alumni associations and recovery checkups through treatment programs. Cultural capital, a form of community capital, refers to culturally-prescribed pathways of recovery that resonate with particular individuals and families.
Recovery capital can play a key role in determining the success of recovery and improving coping strategies, enhancing the quality of life in long-term recovery.
“In total, recovery capital constitutes the potential antidote for the problems that have long plagued recovery efforts: insufficient motivation to change alcohol and other drug use, emotional distress, pressure to use within intimate and social relationships, interpersonal conflict and other situations that pose risks for relapse,” the NCCAP reports.
Aurora’s team of addiction professionals respects your entire life experience. As we help you build a solid foundation for a sustainable, substance-free life, we will learn more about your recovery capital by exploring such questions as the following to identify what will support and/or obstruct your recovery:
· Do you have dreams that were left behind in childhood?
· Do you have relationships with people who care deeply about your well-being?
· Do you have a supportive employer?
· Are you resilient?
· What’s your motivation for recovery?
· What obstacles need to be removed?
· What areas do you need to heal, grow and develop?
Aurora’s holistic approach will help you nurture and build your recovery capital by nourishing your body, mind and soul. Through a personalized fitness program, nutritional support, educational seminars and treatment options that include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and somatic therapy — among many other things — we’ll help you strengthen and build your personal recovery capital.
All treatment plans include a complimentary therapeutic family program that’s delivered online and will help family members heal along with you. Aurora also offers gender-specific group therapy sessions, 12-step groups and alternative peer support groups which will further build your family/social recovery capital.
Aftercare and ongoing support, including weekly alumni group meetings and counselling that can help you maintain your sobriety while navigating life’s challenges, are examples of how we will help you build your community recovery capital. Further, many of our counsellors are in recovery themselves and serve as inspiring role models.
We also respect the value of cultural capital. Our team includes a spiritual advisor and we offer a host of ceremonies that honour First Nations culture, such as sweat lodges, pipe ceremonies, full-moon ceremonies, sharing circles, smudging and drumming circles.
At Aurora Recovery Centre, we know that the most successful treatment plan is one that’s personalized just for you or your loved one. According to the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse and Addiction (CCSA), understanding there’s no one-size-fits-all treatment option is essential to providing the best possible care.
“To provide the best possible care, health-care and allied professionals must take a personalized approach,” the CCSA reports. “Offering a flexible range of services for differing needs at different times provides individuals with the best chance of a successful recovery.”
By working with you to create a Personalized Addiction Recovery Plan that nurtures and builds your recovery capital, Aurora Recovery Centre can help you reclaim your life by achieving lifelong recovery. Contact us today.